This is a well made spoon by famous Canadian silversmith, Peter Nordbeck. It has a gilded bowl and is monogrammed 'AKJ'.
There has been suggestion that his work marked with the 'I' instead of 'H' was his West Indian work, although we haven't been able to find where this opinion is derived from.
Nice set of pseudo hallmarks - including the rare 'I' stamp.
It measures 10.5cm long and weighs 17 grams.
Peter Nordbeck was a silversmith born in Germany. He worked in the West Indies in 1815 and moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1819. Nordbeck partnered with another silversmith, Henry Mignowitz, before forming his own company. He is considered to be the most skilled local silversmith of his day. Nordbeck also trained other notable silversmiths such as Michael Septimus Brown and James J. Langford. His production included gold and silver objects for use in churches, household silver and silver trophy goblets awarded for yacht races. Nordbeck died in 1861.